Today (September 19,
1997) Brian and I took a walk to town to see the salmon spawning in our
local river. WHAT A SIGHT! There were hundreds of fish. I took a few pictures
with the digital camera but it doesn't begin to show you what we saw. Actually
it was really rather sad. All these fish have come to breed then die.
The ones below are dead

Salmon Resourses:
Salmon Page : Lots of links to other pages.
BC Salmon Page : Some of the pages I like are below.
Did you know:
There are five different types
of pacific salmon:
Salmon display silvery colors
at sea and vivid reds, greens, browns, and even purple in freshwater. These
freshwater colors may become even more pronounced in males during mating
or fighting rituals.
Humans have given many nicknames
to salmon. Chum salmon are often called "dogs" because of the large canine
teeth they develop during spawning. They are also called "calicos" because
of their bright spawning colors. Spawning pink males develop a large humped
back and are called "humpies."
Pictures Winter Shots
Summer Shots Eagles
Glaciers Old Pictures
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